Sketchatron Mark 4.

And we're back for Sketchatron the Second. It's Saturday, it's pouring with rain and the theatre is packed.

The Penny Dreadfuls are first out.

12.46: It's Magic Circle. Thom's voice is filling out the whole theatre - I'd forgotten how great the Bedlam sounds.

"Why would I steal the name 'Kevin? It's so deeply ordinary."

12.48: A wizard's duel is accepted. It's already two-nil to Kevin.

And now it's Train Station, the opening sketch from last year's show. "A world of travel destinations rest within your grasp.."

12.51: "Woking!"

A round of applause for Lucky Owen, and they're off. A really warm reception for a horrible cold and wet day.

Next up, Idiots of Ants.

12.54: A man who has passed every exam in the world. And someone who has everything wrong with them.

12.55: "Your face is continually contorted into a grimace."

Neil is rockin' us out with some glamorous glam style glam rock. And now a short lesson on practical jokes, united by wafting.

12.58: "Please inhale the contents of this bag." Short but oh, so sweet.

The Sunday Defensive! Friends from the Canal Cafe gigs and doing their only Fringe appearance this year with us. Woo!

13.00: Racism. "It only works with four poofs."

13.01: Rape. "Rape. Pour Homme."

Awkward laughter. Lots and lots of awkward laughter. It's all too beautiful for words.

13.05: Caricature. Two portraits, one of which is made from meats. Trying really hard not to type punchlines. "So, that's what my face would look like if it was made out of meats?"

"Phil, your face.. tastes so good."

13.08: "Why don't I choose this moment to start eating condiments on their own? We're about to engulfed by the icey waters of the Atlantic ocean."

13.12: The best current use of a reference to a duet by Elton John and Kiki Dee.

Mr Winchester and Tommy.

13.13: Some quality northern entertainers. I suspect that they're related to Neil, or Dave. Or, in an exciting revelation of the family tree, both.

13.15: A little bit of improvisation. "It sound shit, dunnit?"

13.21: "Belgium, home of the cyclist, I think."

13.23: "Yes, I should go back because we cannot integrate." It's the Daily Mail in theatrical form. Dr Raj Persaud and the happy Halifax man are assessed for immigration purposes.

Stuckey and Murray.

13.27: Some lovely guitar dancing prepares us for "Awkward Silence." Neil is dancing in the tech box - yes, that's the power of this music.

13.30: More dancing. "It's the mother-fucking awkward silence. Why d'you think we play these guitars?"

13.32: A lyrical road-map to getting laid. It's take-home advice that everyone can use.

13.34: "You want to grab a slice of pizza and go fuck?"

13.40: Turns out the audience loves jokes about going camping for casual sex.

It's all over for Sketchatron's trip north to Edinburgh: two packed shows, and the cream of sketch comedy. Woo. Sketchatron is over - but watch out for more London gigs in October.


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