london prices

Ticket prices for our London gigs have now been confirmed at £6/£5 conc (£5/4 to members of the Hen and Chicken) - which is tremendously cheap, given that even a tiny cup of milk costs over a thousand pounds in the national capital. To book, leave your details on 020 7704 2001.

Those all important dates again: Aeneas Faversham at The Hen and Chicken Theatre, Islington, London. 24-25th September, 7.30pm.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

.... but, but, but, but when I rang, the nice lady said they were £7 each! I may have to have to sell a kidney to make up the extra pound!

8:34 PM  
Blogger Idil said...

Dear Anonymous,

The prices are definitely £5 / £4 + £1 membership fee (unless of course, you are already a member). Many apologies for any confusion. Try booking again, the problem should be cleared up now. The reason for the mix up is that the regular price for shows at the Hen and Chicken is £7. (We're cheaper! Keep your kidney!)

Many Regards


1:53 PM  

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