Finally! More stars for ShamWagon
Not many people have reviewed ShamWagon, it is, after all, a small improv show in a small venue. So to add to the lovely four stars from Three Weeks, SkinnyFest have awarded ShamWagon FOUR stars. That is rather fun. Here are bits of the review:
ShamWagon take the crowd's suggestions and run all the way to funnyland. The cross the canals of hilarity, climb the mountains of ridiculousness, jump the hahas of the hysterical.
It comes down, of course, to the troupe: they are loose, inspired, and they snatch every opportunity they spy... While only one woman numbers among them, there's no lack of variety in ShamWagon's cast: the short and schizoid one, the creepy black-humoured one, the sharp and middle aged one, the lanky one who plays dumb. The marvel is how well they work together, throwing themselves into the silly and the gut-busting with a beautiful skull-cracked ease.
The full review is online here.
average rating for the wagon is now three out of five. is it one point three seven five stars worse than faversham? who knows...
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